Tag Archives: gratitude

Half a Century

Friday is my 50th birthday. No idea how that’s actually possible, but it is. I’ve probably lived through two lifetimes worth of experience during my time on this rock, and at the risk of being a corny cliche, I want to share a little of the wisdom I’ve earned along the way.

Most importantly, the people I know with the greatest material wealth are also the most miserable. Nothing ever fulfills them. There’s always a shinier trinket somewhere that someone else has. There’s always a need for more of this or that. Conversely, the happiest people I know don’t necessarily have much money. Their basic needs are met, of course, but they find contentment in life itself: helping others, enjoying a hobby, bonding with friends and family, and being grateful for the blessings they do have.

The second most important thing I’ve learned is that karma is real. It might grind slowly, and it might not always be public, but eventually, you will reap the seeds you have sown.

The third most important thing is that your family is comprised of the people who stand by you through it all. Blood has little to do with it. Cherish the people who have your back. Cherish the ones who love you unconditionally. Cherish the ones who accept you as you. Cherish them because they are rare and precious.

Finally, for the sake of this post anyway, take the chance to follow your dreams. For all intents and purposes, my writing career was a failure. I’ve lost far more money than I ever made from it. I never won any awards and never sustained the small successes I did achieve. But I regret none of it. I had a dream and chased it, sacrificed for it, and gave everything I had in me to make it come to life. Even though I didn’t make it, there’s a deep sense of satisfaction in the pursuit. I had the balls to put myself out there and the ability to complete a pretty good fantasy series. No one can ever take those two things from me. So if you have a dream, say forming a business or getting a degree or starting a rock band, go for it. Even if you fail, you will know the satisfaction of having been in the arena.

That’s all for now. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates. Hopefully I still have a few years to kick around this rock.

A Brief Update

Hedge removal

This has been a challenging year. Started out with a wicked case of covid in January, and it took until late April to feel 100%. I’ve had equipment failures galore, not to mention fuel prices and inflation. So even though business has been steady, I feel like I’ve just treaded water all year.

That said, I’m still standing. My client base has grown and my oldest son has been working with me since he graduated from high school. Having this time with him has been one of the greatest blessings of my whole life.

I miss writing in this space, and I want to make an effort to be more active here. Not sure how that will go, but we’ll see. I turn 50 in three weeks and that has made me reflective. Man, what a ride my life has been.

That’s all for now. Big tree job this weekend, so I might post an update about that. Try to be good to each other. Life is too short for all this hate in the world.

Monday Night Ramblings – 7/15/2019

Really busy couple of weeks, so I haven’t been able to write a post recently.

This summer has been one of the best of my life. My kids have been here with me since early June, and they have helped me with the business quite a bit. If you’ve known me for any time at all, you should already know how hard my divorce and the loss of custody of them were on me. For the last 11 years, I have felt like a part-time parent, relegated to nightly phone calls and twice a year visits that always ended way too soon.

I missed too many firsts to catalogue, and I’ll never get those back, but this summer, I have gotten to be a real dad again. I got to teach my oldest how to drive and my youngest how to put in a full day’s work. I’ve gotten to talk to them for hours on end and joke and be silly and be stern and instill values and all of those things a father is supposed to do.

My hope for everyone is that they can find healing and love and purpose for their lives. If I could give everyone the blessings I’ve enjoyed these last three years, I would gladly share them with all. Life is too short, too fragile, too beautiful to allow anger and bitterness to consume you. Gratitude and thankfulness are much more pleasant paths to traverse.

That’s all for now.