Category Archives: New Ramblings

Half a Century

Friday is my 50th birthday. No idea how that’s actually possible, but it is. I’ve probably lived through two lifetimes worth of experience during my time on this rock, and at the risk of being a corny cliche, I want to share a little of the wisdom I’ve earned along the way.

Most importantly, the people I know with the greatest material wealth are also the most miserable. Nothing ever fulfills them. There’s always a shinier trinket somewhere that someone else has. There’s always a need for more of this or that. Conversely, the happiest people I know don’t necessarily have much money. Their basic needs are met, of course, but they find contentment in life itself: helping others, enjoying a hobby, bonding with friends and family, and being grateful for the blessings they do have.

The second most important thing I’ve learned is that karma is real. It might grind slowly, and it might not always be public, but eventually, you will reap the seeds you have sown.

The third most important thing is that your family is comprised of the people who stand by you through it all. Blood has little to do with it. Cherish the people who have your back. Cherish the ones who love you unconditionally. Cherish the ones who accept you as you. Cherish them because they are rare and precious.

Finally, for the sake of this post anyway, take the chance to follow your dreams. For all intents and purposes, my writing career was a failure. I’ve lost far more money than I ever made from it. I never won any awards and never sustained the small successes I did achieve. But I regret none of it. I had a dream and chased it, sacrificed for it, and gave everything I had in me to make it come to life. Even though I didn’t make it, there’s a deep sense of satisfaction in the pursuit. I had the balls to put myself out there and the ability to complete a pretty good fantasy series. No one can ever take those two things from me. So if you have a dream, say forming a business or getting a degree or starting a rock band, go for it. Even if you fail, you will know the satisfaction of having been in the arena.

That’s all for now. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates. Hopefully I still have a few years to kick around this rock.

Post Election Thoughts

Donald Trump is a cancer that should be removed from the political landscape and discarded forever. The majority of Americans are sick of his nonsense and ready for sensible leadership. DeSantis is the future of the GOP if it ever wants to return to sanity.

Democrats will do victory laps for not getting blown away, but if they can’t come up with real messaging that appeals to moderates and independents, we will have a Republican president in 24. Right now DeSantis looks like the frontrunner.

The most important issue that needs to be addressed and tackled is tribalism, this insane hamster wheel we are trapped on of never allowing the opposition to have a victory, to the detriment of the whole nation. I doubt that will get better in my lifetime because the schism keeps widening and neither side will move back to the center and compromise with the other.

The coming few weeks will really test the strength of our system. Will both sides accept the races they lost and concede, or will we have another January 6? That’s the salient question. If we can have a peaceful transition, maybe tempers simmer down. If not, things might get nasty.

As for me, I’ll keep doing my thing. Neither party represents me, so I don’t put my energy behind anything except opposing Trump and that culture of hate. America is at its best when we embrace diversity and allow fresh voices to innovate and renew our economy and our communities. We still have the potential for greatness if we are able to move beyond populism and nationalism.

Weekend Tree Job

Weeping Cherry Removal

My oldest and I spent the weekend taking out some aging and poorly placed trees. The new owners of the house wanted a fresh start, so we cleared out six gold arborvitae, a weeping cherry, a red bud, and a bald cypress.

Most of it was pretty straightforward, pole saw and chainsaw work. We used the tractor to move the heavy pieces and disposed of everything out at the farm. As soon as we get some decent rain, I’ll burn off the debris. Right now, just a little too dry for my preference.

We got most of the job completed Friday and Saturday, but there was one load to clean up and haul Sunday morning. Of course, after time change, I have been in a time-lapse haze, trying to recalibrate my body to the difference in light. This nonsensical practice has to stop. Needless to say, that final load was the most tedious, not because of the work but because of the time change fog.

I’ve been contemplating putting out a sales book I wrote several years ago. Business slows down a lot this time of year, so I should have the time. I might test the waters and see if there’s a demand for it right now.

That’s all for now. Remember that love eventually triumphs over hate, so try not to let hate rot you from the inside.

Bald Cypress Too Close to the House