Tag Archives: election

Post Election Thoughts

Donald Trump is a cancer that should be removed from the political landscape and discarded forever. The majority of Americans are sick of his nonsense and ready for sensible leadership. DeSantis is the future of the GOP if it ever wants to return to sanity.

Democrats will do victory laps for not getting blown away, but if they can’t come up with real messaging that appeals to moderates and independents, we will have a Republican president in 24. Right now DeSantis looks like the frontrunner.

The most important issue that needs to be addressed and tackled is tribalism, this insane hamster wheel we are trapped on of never allowing the opposition to have a victory, to the detriment of the whole nation. I doubt that will get better in my lifetime because the schism keeps widening and neither side will move back to the center and compromise with the other.

The coming few weeks will really test the strength of our system. Will both sides accept the races they lost and concede, or will we have another January 6? That’s the salient question. If we can have a peaceful transition, maybe tempers simmer down. If not, things might get nasty.

As for me, I’ll keep doing my thing. Neither party represents me, so I don’t put my energy behind anything except opposing Trump and that culture of hate. America is at its best when we embrace diversity and allow fresh voices to innovate and renew our economy and our communities. We still have the potential for greatness if we are able to move beyond populism and nationalism.